Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 170

[5] The Way of Akram Vignan 111 authority (parsatta). These living beings are simply ‘knowers’. Therefore, You should only know, and once you know that this Knowership is only Yours, then the faith you had on the wrong things will disappear. Your opinions will change. What kind of changes? Your opinion, ‘It is good to tell lies,’ will change. There is no higher purusharth than the one which gets rid of such opinions. This is an intense message, which requires profound thinking. Questioner: Yes, but the entire talk is logical. Dadashri: Yes. It is logical. It is worthy of deep thinking and what do people say? ‘We know it all, but we cannot do it.’ So what can be done about ‘I can’t do it’? What did he say? Questioner: ‘I am not able to do anything.’ (102) Dadashri: This statement of ‘I cannot do anything’ is a grave liability. What liability? The answer is that even in the state of illusion (absence of Self-realization), because there is a presence of the self (the relative atma) within, one becomes whatever one says. One becomes what he envisions (chintavan). One becomes what one contemplates (manan). Therefore, one will be born either as an animal or a stone; a form which is not able to do anything. So people are not aware of the consequences of saying such things. Have you ever heard people say, ‘I cannot do anything’? Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: You should never say, ‘I cannot do it.’ Besides, it is not even that. In actuality there is nothing to be done. Even the simple act of emptying your bowels is not in your hands, so how is it possible for you to do anything else? No such man has yet been born who has even the slightest energy to do anything. You are to simply know (janavoo) and make a firm resolution (nischay) to remain as the Knower, the Self. That is all You have to do. Once you understand my words, Your work will be