Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance (Abr.) (In English) Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentence | Page 91

78 Pratikraman Questioner: When we make a firm resolution with absolute sincerity that we do not want to make the same mistake again, are we likely to make that same mistake again? Is it under our control? Dadashri: Yes it will happen again. For example, if I had a ball and I threw it, once I throw that ball, it will not stop bouncing, even if I wish for it to. Throwing the ball was just one single action, but if after throwing it, I say that I do not wish to throw it, and I tell the ball to stop bouncing, will it stop? Questioner: No, it will not. Dadashri: Then what will happen? Questioner: It will bounce several times. Dadashri: So it has gone out of my hands and into the hands of Nature. Nature will make it still. That is how all this is. All our mistakes fall into Nature’s hands. Questioner: Then what benefits are there in pratikraman, once it falls into Nature’s hands? Dadashri: Many benefits. Tremendous benefits. Pratikraman has such an impact that if you do pratikraman towards someone for one hour, it will bring about tremendous new changes within that person. But the person doing the pratikraman must have this Gnan. He himself must be pure. He has to have the experience of, “I am a Pure Soul (shuddhatma).” Pratikraman will have a tremendous effect. Pratikraman is our biggest weapon. If one has not taken this Gnan, the prakruti will be doing everything wrong throughout the day. But after Gnan, it will be on the right path. When you become upset with someone, you will begin to feel from within, that you should not be doing so, and that you must do pratikraman for having thoughts about