Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance (Abr.) (In English) Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentence | Page 22

Pratikraman 9 karma is removed. The onion still appears whole although one layer is gone. Another layer will be removed the next time. Repentance never goes to waste. Questioner: Should we not ask for forgiveness with a sincere heart? Dadashri: A person, who apologizes, does so with his heart. It will even suffice to apologize insincerely, as long as the apology is made. Questioner: Then it will just become a habit. Dadashri: Even if it does become a habit, it is fine as long as an apology is made. Just realize that if you do not repent, you will have to pay for it. If someone is an alcoholic and asks for forgiveness, I tell him to keep asking for forgiveness and to make a firm resolution that he wants to quit his bad habit, even as he continues to drink. One day he will be free of his addiction. I give you this absolute guarantee through my Science. This Science is bound to grow and proliferate, yielding immediate results. “This is the cash bank of Divine Solution.” The only ‘cash bank.’ Such a bank has not appeared in the last one million years. It offers liberation within just two hours. I am ready to grant you whatever you ask of me. Nature forgives a man, who after he steals, repents. If he repents, even God does not regard it as a sin. People on the other hand will punish him and he will have to suffer the consequences in this life. If one repents heartily his faults would eventually disappear, but they speak superficially. Although you may commit a terrible mistake, if you sincerely regret it, it will not happen again. If it occurs again, it does not matter as long as you continue to repent.