Practical Advice for Medical Devices Firms | Page 9 the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association maintain these codes jointly as members of the HCPCS National Panel. Decisions regarding changes to the national permanent codes are only made by unanimous consent of all three parties. In the level II HCPCS coding system, products are classified into categories for the purpose of efficient claims processing. They are so classified on the basis of function, similarity, and whether they are significantly different from other products. Level II HCPCS codes are used with many separate categories of similar items or services encompassing millions of products from many different manufacturers. Some items in the HCPCS level II system, such as new technology and some biologics, are eligible for transitional pass-through payments to hospitals in addition to the monies those institutions receive under the Ambulatory Payment Classification. The Statistical Analysis Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier (SADMERC) is under contract to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and offers guidance to manufacturers and suppliers on the proper use of the HCPCS level II codes. The submission of a code verification request to SADMERC is a first step in the recommendation process for modification to HCPCS level II codes. Charges made through hospitals Any product that offers clinical efficacy while reducing costs will be of interest to hospital administrators. In the past, physicians had a greater input into products purchased by the hospital. However, with increasing financial constraints, hospitals often place physician requests under scrutiny. Healthcare providers may have to demonstrate value of a product before hospital administrators purchase it. For submission to the payer, International Classification of Diseases (ICD9) diagnosis and procedure codes are placed on the hospital ChargeMaster. There are over 13,000 ICD-9 diagnosis codes and 5,000 ICD-9 procedure codes. Also included on the ChargeMaster are complications and co-morbidities, age, gender, and discharge destination. Each Medicare patient is then classified into a Medicare Severity Adjusted Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG). Each MS-DRG code is assigned a weight. More complex procedures and illnesses are assigned higher weights. Payment to the hospital is based on the DRG weight. Page | 9 ©2012 Clinipace Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved.