PPROA Pipeline May 2015 | Page 3

PPROA Pipeline ~ May 2015 3 3 3 3 EVP NOTES EVP Judy Stark I continue to participate with peer associations regarding bills that are critical for that week. If you have a particular interest in any bill, please call and I will give you the latest update. The newsletter will provide you with a list of bills that are pertinent to our industry along with the latest updates at the time of publishing; however, if you need further information – please call! Summer Event - . Events Committee - Most volunteered committee! If you are interested in being a part of planning PPROA events, please call our office. Change only happens if you voice your interests! Quarterly Combined Meetings – Our next quarterly joint meeting will be held in July. Our last meeting had about 60 attendees. Thanks to all our peer industry groups for supporting this joint venture. Annual Meeting – September 22-24, 2015. Plans are already in motion for our Annual Meeting! We are currently approaching what we hope will be a significant panel of speakers. PPROA Administrative Improvements - PPROA recently converted our newsletter to a digital version. Please be patient as we try to work out the “kinks”. By converting to all digital that allows us to track how many actually open the newsletter and what page(s) receive the most “clicks” or is the most viewed. This helps us know what members enjoy seeing most! You can still request a printed version of the Pipeline by dropping us an email or call the office. Until next time…….