Potential Magazine Winter 2017 | Page 66

teen spotlight photography by Shelby Berry stats 17, Senior at LAMP notable Cornell Telluride Association Member Young Independents Club President National Forensics League Competitor quotable “Change is inevitable.” her story Liyu is out to make a real difference in this world, and has already made a great start. As a member of the Cornell Telluride Association, she was able to spend a summer study- ing the humanities in relation to race, gender, and class, as well as the intersections in politics and culture. She is the founder and chief editor of Peace by Piece, LAMP’s schoolwide literary magazine that focuses on celebrating literature and art. Liyu is a member of Youth Judicial, the National Forensics Team, and the varsity soccer team. She has been inducted into a number of academic honor societies, including the National Honor Society, the National History Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, the National Science Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. In addition, she shares, “I am currently serving as president of the Young Independents, seeking to advocate for a non-partisan approach to politics.” Liyu is ex- tremely proud of her Ethiopian heritage, and has learned how to read, write, and speak Amharic fluently. what’s next “I want to serve as an immigration lawyer, who will help children and immigrants of differing circumstances to find a place in this country. Seeing my parents take the path to citi- zenship made me want to help other families, many of whom can’t afford proper legal aid, reach a safe place in this country.” liyu woldemichael Montgomery, AL PG (parental guidance) rating “My parents both left their home in Ethiopia for my siblings and me, so their sacrifice is what inspires me to learn and to positively affect the world in my future endeavors.” parents’ perspective “Liyu has always been an independent learner. I have assisted her by helping her pursue her passions academically, athletically, and artisti- cally. I have taught her that each discipline is as valid as the other, and I have not discouraged her in any of her pursuits.” parent-to-parent Bethanu and Kelemua share this advice: “Start early by instilling education in your children during their early school years so that they will have the foundation to build into more complex topics. It is really difficult to fundamentally change your child's learning when they are a senior in high school, but you can help them reach a great place in ele- mentary and middle school.” Teen Spotlights are eligible for a $500 Scholarship - Nomination forms at www.potentialmagazine.com/spotlights 26 | Winter 2017 www.potentialmagazine.com