Potential Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 31

Edgewood Academy
5475 Elmore Road , Elmore , AL ( 334 ) 567-5102 • www . edgewoodacademy . org
About : Established in 1967 , Edgewood Academy provides students with a comprehensive college preparatory education in a safe and supportive environment , preparing students for a future of lifelong learning and productive citizenship . Edgewood Academy affirms the values and beliefs of the Christian faith and allows for the public practice and display of all Christian denominations . However , Edgewood is not affiliated with any particular denomination .
Athletics : Edgewood offers a variety of opportunities for students who wish to participate in varsity athletics , including football , baseball , softball , basketball , track and field , and volleyball . Edgewood has won a total of 31 state championships , and in 2013 , their baseball team was crowned national champions by Maxpreps .
Academics : Edgewood Academy has been accredited by the Alabama Independent School Association ( AISA ) since 1974 . Edgewood is also accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools ( SACS ), the National Council for Private
School Accreditation ( NCPSA ) and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation Alliance ( CITA ). This means that graduates are recognized by colleges as a quality prospect for their school . Students score well above the national average on the Stanford Achievement Test and ninety-nine percent of Edgewood graduates go on to higher education .
All of this has helped contribute to Edgewood being named an AISA Blue Ribbon School for over a decade . This distinction is given to schools exemplifying excellence in teaching , student performance , school life , and school and community interaction .


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www . potentialmagazine . com Winter 2016
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