Potential Magazine summer 2013 | Page 19

You Can Prevent & Protect Even though they’re fairly easy to come by, there are several things you can do to help keep your teens from taking un-needed prescription drugs: Talk to them openly about the dangers of prescription drugs, noting that they’re every bit as harmful and illegal as other drugs. Encourage them to get and stay involved in clubs and sports. Research shows that teens involved in activities they enjoy are less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. Set a proper example for your teens by limiting your own prescription drug use as much as possible. If you are taking medication, make sure to explain to your kids that you follow strict guidelines and only take what your doctor prescribed. Studies show that teens whose parents teach them the dangers of prescription drugs are up to 50 percent less likely to abuse them. Chances are, your teen listens and follows your example a lot more than you think, even if they’d never admit it. EVERY DAY 2,500 kids ages 12 to 17 ABUSE painkiller a prescription for the first time. “The majority of drug abuse starts at home with drugs that come from the medicine cabinet.” Hyatt recommends participating in pharmacy drug take-back days to discard unneeded medications. –Craig Hyatt, pharmacist and father of four teens The Very Real Risks Typically, painkillers are prescribed for parents following surgeries or injuries, but anti-depressants and stimulants are sometimes prescribed to teens themselves. While the teens may actually need the drugs, many are willing to give or sell extra pills to friends. Taking these drugs unnecessarily can cause harsh side effects, including seizures, kidney damage or failure, brain damage, heart palpitations and in severe cases, cardiac arrest and even death. And some teens go way past abusing prescription drugs; many become addicted. According to a recent report on “Today,” prescription drug addiction is claiming the lives of almost 15,000 people a year. SHARE YOUR TIPS!! & BE FEATURED IN ONE OF OUR NEXT ISSUES!!! Join the Parent Council Give us your Advice & Opinions to publish in print and online Join at www.potentialmagazine.com www.potentialmagazine.com 19