Portfolio. BHSAD Deep Dive | Product design exploration, L5 | Page 18

RESEARCH STAGE observed materials analysis Metro Shopping malls Video in the metro In total, 10 metro stations were studied. Usually on one passageway stand from  three to six frames, depending on the width of the passage. They stand close to each other, thereby excluding the passage between them. Next to the frames are always present 1-3 guards responsible for them. At stations with a larger flow of people there are also guards from the police (in black uniform, with weapons) in addition to the usual metro staff (in blue and without weapons). At  stations with a small flow of people (new built stations that do not use such a large number of people), the police is almost not present, since there is no need of them. Not all frames are working on the stations and sometimes there are only one frame working out of four. Number of switched off frames does not affect number of guards in any way. A total of 9 centers were studied. Usually in shopping centers there are one or three frames that do not interfere with the flow of people. In  one shopping center, the frames were surrounded by additional fences so that people could not pass them by. Also in different shopping centers the number security is very different. In two shopping centers, security guards stand next to the  frames and make sure that people pass only through the frame. In two other shopping centers, security officers stand with a distance and do not regulate the flow of people at all. Also on the entrances with frames there are tables for examination of handbags, but they are rarely used by security. Some tables are more well thought out (for example, the table cover may be softer to avoid scratching the keys/ phones that are placed on it), but this does not affect the frequency of their use. On the video with escalators it is visible that people prefer to pass in the Central framework more, than in side ones. Also, this trend can be seen in the video with the exits from the subway  — people choose the  frame, which is located in front of  the  escalator. Even if there are more people going in the middle frame and there is a small queue  — people are more likely to go into it, not in the side frames. Also in the video with the flows of  people it can be seen that streams of people on the stations with the  transitions in the center of the hall, meet and face constantly. At  the station without transitions, where there are central separation columns, the flows of people are normalized and do not collide at all. Stadiums Just was studied one stadium. It is the protection of several people, in addition to the frame as inspected bags on the scanner. The frame excludes the passage of people not in it. Using the framework is only primary inspection, further inspection of the involved guards. Seemingly, there is usually no system behind the number of metal detectors, their settings, positioning and even the presence or absence of the guards nearby. It makes the metal detectors almost useless when it comes to public safety and very inconvenient and uncomfortable at the same time.