Portfolio. BHSAD Arduino Prototyping | L4, Harduino: Drawing light | Page 3

Drawing machine. Is Light a media? That was when it all came together for me. The rest was a detail. When the brief was announced, the first thought was about combining pen and motor somehow. After the first shock passed, I decided to reflect not only the personal ignorance, but also to knowledge and experience. It was discovered, that there were not so a few. I recalled the first time I visited one of the most amazing places – the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, where manmade trees were illuminating surroundings every night. The images of some favorite artists came to mind, and suddenly I figured out, that most of them are working with light. And sci-fi, old-school one. Developing a drawing machine controlled by mechanisms looked like the impossible task. All these gears and pistons magically spinning round seemed complicated and feasible, but magnificent. Moreover, the learning something called “Arduino” was almost a fantasy story for the person who always tried to avoid any activities related to programming or dealing with electricity. It is amazing, how the love to sci-fi and complete ignorance of “how it all works” could co-exist in one person!