Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 216

“ None of You Cared Enough ”: The Problematic Moralizing of 13 Reasons Why
controversy regarding its content , it has also initiated an ongoing dialogue about suicide , itself a praiseworthy achievement when considered the continued social stigma attached to the subject . However , it is acknowledged that , “ focusing public attention on suicide without taking recommended efforts to minimize harm can be counterproductive , and even dangerous ” ( Gilbert , “ Did 13 Reasons Why Spark a Suicide Contagion Effect ?”). Therefore , one can only hope that future seasons of 13 Reasons Why exhibit a more nuanced portrayal of such delicate issues and succeed in educating its audiences safely , as intended by Asher , without unintentionally portraying the act of suicide as glamorous or romantic .
Althouse , Benjamin M ., et al . “ Internet Searches for Suicide Following the Release of 13
Reasons Why .” JAMA Internal Medicine , vol . 177 , no . 10 , 2017 , pp . 1527 – 1529 .
Balingit , Moriah . “ Educators and School Psychologists Raise Alarms about ‘ 13 Reasons Why ’.” The Washington Post , 2017 , https :// www . washingtonpost . com / local / education / educators-and-school-psychologists-raisealarms-about-13-reasons-why / 2017 / 05 / 01 / bb534ec6- 2c2b-11e7-a616-d7c8a68c1a66 _ story . html ? nid & utm _ term =. 53dce563a07e
Blood , R . W ., and Jane Pirkis . “ Suicide and the Media Part II : Portrayal in Fictional Media .” Crisis , vol . 22 , no . 4 , 2001 , pp . 155 – 162 .