Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 208

“ None of You Cared Enough ”: The Problematic Moralizing of 13 Reasons Why
ed that appropriate portrayals , for example , those that emphasize negative consequences or alternative courses of action , could actually have a positive , educative effect , and have found this to be the case . ( 157 )
This has been the producers ’ acknowledged goal for 13 Reasons Why : to “ have a positive , educative effect ” on its audience regarding contemporary issues facing high school youth , such as bullying , sexual assault , and suicidal ideation . However , despite the suggested moralizing framework of the series , 13 Reasons Why still presents a revenge fantasy . This is a common and universal suicide fantasy , emphasizing the effect that the suicide will have on the individual ’ s peers :
This suicide fantasy has a markedly sadistic orientation , with [ the individual ] often enjoying the role of the invisible observer of others ’ suffering , especially due to their feelings of guilt and remorse because of the suicide . There is a sense of retaliation , revenge and irrevocable , everlasting triumph . ( Campbell 175 )
13 Reasons Why neatly fits this criteria , as Hannah ’ s motivations behind manufacturing the tapes were to ultimately obtain retaliation and revenge . In “ Tape 7 , Side A ,” Hannah states on her final tape that , “ Some of you cared . None of you cared enough ,” thus negating her own agency regarding her suicide and instead firmly redirecting responsibility for the action toward her peers . Each tape identifies a specific person who pushed Hannah to commit suicide , through actions such as spreading rumors regarding her sexual history and even sexually assaulting her . Hannah herself acknowledges in an earlier tape that she hopes “ these tapes will start a new