Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 142

A Conversation with Nanette
intersubjectivity . This conceptual schema of Othering is integral to Gadsby ’ s argument , yet ironic in its application .
Language is a key to identifying the Other as Toni Morrison points out in her book The Origin of Othering , writing that “ The resources available to us for benign access to each other , for vaulting the mere blue air that separates us , are few but powerful : language , image , and experience , which may involve both , one or neither of the first two ” ( 35 ). Gadsby intently appropriates and peddles these keys to identifying an Other by naming her show an unpopular , out-of-fashion name : Nanette . I doubt she would have titled her show Ema , Olivia , or Ava as , according to a U . S . baby-naming website , these are the most popular baby names for girls in 2018 ( Mom365 ). Gadsby was instead reaching to the margins of society when she named her show�a place from which she ( and most institutions of power ) didn ’ t anticipate any resistance .
Morison points out that mankind abjectifies the stranger out of self-preservation , as does Gadsby by her own admission . Though Morison ’ s is primarily a study of color , it can be applied to any situation where people are marginalized and objectified . Morison ’ s examination of Othering motives may explain Gadsby ’ s hypocritical attack on Nanette as she writes , “ The necessity of rendering the [ Other ] a foreign species appears to be a desperate attempt to confirm one ’ s own self as normal ... The danger of sympathizing with the stranger is the possibility of becoming a stranger . To lose one ’ s rank is to lose one ’ s own valued and enshrined difference ” ( 29-30 ). Whatever transpired between Gadsby and her Nanette was interpreted by Gadsby as a call to arms . She chose to attack Nanette , crossing the lines of human decency by disparaging her name and character , portraying Nanette as a stereotypical bigot . Morrison further explains Gadsby ’ s bad behavior by