Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 116

War , Patriotism , and Nationality in the Nor wegian and Swedish Translations of Cherry Ames
mission in this book could be . This is a notable difference from the American source text , where it is clear that Cherry is going to the army and that she is clearly happy about this . The Swedish translation , Cherry Ames i fält , was published in 1956 and its cover image ( see fig . 3 ) is very much based on the cover of the second American edition ( see fig . 4 ).
Although there are no overt symbols showing the reader that Cherry goes to war in the novel , Cherry ’ s posture and determined gaze indicate that she is looking toward a mission that she must accomplish and a duty that calls her . She is looking to the right , which according to Kress and van Leeuwen ( 64 , 181 ) signals that she is looking toward the future . Cherry needs to go to war to help wounded American soldiers and she knows that this will lead to future peace for her country . Behind her , we see the school building , where she came from , whereas we can only hint the future through Cherry ’ s determined gaze . Cherry ’ s face is horizontal to the reader and she is thus depicted as equal to them , signalling to the readers that they can be a part of her world ( cf . Björkvall 52 ), and even join her on her mission .
The Norwegian cover image of Cherrys hemmelige reise ( see fig . 2 ) is entirely different from both the American and the Swedish versions . It portrays Cherry speaking on the phone . Her face bears an expression that could reveal feelings of consternation , worry , or even sadness , characteristics that are not
Figure 4 . Cover Image of the Second American Edition of Cherry Ames , Army Nurse . Image first published by Grosset & Dunlap ( Frank Vaughn ).