Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 10

Felicia ix
From the Editor ’ s Desk
Whatever your personal beliefs , if the current state of the world is driving you to existential despair , then perhaps it is good news that we have Graeme J . Wilson ’ s look at a controversial television series which runs the risk of glamorizing suicide in “ None of You Cared Enough : The Problematic Moralizing of 13 Reasons Why .” It seems the second season of that show has taken up a more preventative and responsible representation of suicide and the resources available for those struggling with suicidal thoughts , and in an era of constant negative images and decaying mental health , this message is more important than ever .
Finally David Monod and his fellow authors offer us a new resource into vaudeville , a website containing 30,000 reviews of vaudeville performances for the 1900-1920 period .
When a reality television star can rise to the heights of world authority , we see how popular culture affects the globe . What then must we do ? What are our responsibilities in providing for the best future ? Are we in a position where our entertainments might destroy us , or can we spread positive messages of hope and understanding through the media which connects all of us ?
Let us hope for the latter .

Felicia ix