Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 54

The Dishonored Series as Environmental and Social Commentary
identity as Emily the Just and marks a time of relative peace and prosperity for both Dunwall and Karnaca . The ending of Dishonored : The Death of The Outsider , discussed further on in terms of the two options given to the player regarding its ending , bears reflection here as the game ends on a more ambiguous narrative note than its predecessors regarding the amelioration of circumstances in Dunwall and Karnaca . The game takes place only a few months after the conclusion of the events in Dishonored 2 ; thus , insufficient time has elapsed for the player to note any significant and lasting changes . However , The Outsider speaks of possibilities for salvation or further suffering . Of his potential fate , he comments , “ When I died , this world was remade . And when I die again ...” He leaves the thought open-ended , as the fate of the world . The extent of inequity and the destruction of the environment is such that , The Outsider ponders here , even a god may be unable to change it quickly or to any significant degree . Instead , The Outsider grants powers to a select group of citizens and allows them to act as agents of change in the world , whether for good or for ill .
The first game takes place wholly in the industrial and crown city of Dunwall , whose economy is primarily driven by , and whose citizens rely on , the steady supply of whale oil produced in what is dubbed Slaughterhouse Row . The settings of Dishonored 2 and The Death of The Outsider broaden to include in the former the southern lands of Serkonos and their capital city of Karnaca , and the latter both Karnaca and the Void itself . The world of Dishonored focuses in equal measure on both technological advances , such as the government ’ s far-reaching surveillance and security systems , and magic , such as the type granted to Corvo by The Outsider or the more general , albeit outlawed , practice of the pursuit of black magic . Yet for all of its technical wonders , Dunwall remains