Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 37

Popular Culture Review 29.2
by the Enlightenment to think that there are certain truths to the ways in which the Enlightenment thinkers think . Native Hawaiians , for instance , look up and see thirty lunar phases .
Figure 7
Some things are ambiguous and confusing : I am still not sure how best to proceed with space exploration in general . Other things are quite simple : we are all in this together . And that “ we ” must never be taken for granted or walled up . That “ we ” may very well include bodies that are not the bodies we imagined at first to constitute us . Bodies of those whose difference calls on us to rise to the occasion . Ancestral bodies . Bodies of those yet to come . Even planetary bodies , celestial bodies .
And so , with the phases of the moon complete ( though that which is cyclic is never truly complete ), a new moon comes into view again�into view in all of its unviewable , dark , unlit glory . And we move back in time once more to ask the same ethical questions again . Back to our first moments of reaching beyond our world .