Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 187

Popular Culture Review 29.2
More than scholars , fans , and creators , one must look up in the sky . In the middle of Wonder Woman ’ s final season , the Christopher Reeve Superman film was released to the joy of many critics , who praised it for many of the same reasons their colleagues disparaged Wonder Woman . Variety wrote that it was “ a wonderful , chuckling , preposterously exciting fantasy ,” stating that the filmmakers “ did it : they brought this cherished and durable comic book character to the screen ,” implying that , unlike previous superhero adaptations , the world had been hoping for this . Variety praised the film ’ s “ laughs ,” and was able to “ adjust ” to how “ most of the plot elements are completely absurd ” ( Harwood ).
Particularly interesting is the contemporary emphasis on the sexual dynamic between Superman and Lois Lane , relishing the sexual euphoria of Lois Lane toward Superman , and the Man of Steel ’ s confident response . Variety wrote that “ her initial double-entendre interview with Superman is wickedly coy , dancing round the obvious question any red-blooded girl might ask herself about such a magnificent prospect .” About the nighttime tryst across the clouds of Metropolis , the author wrote , “ The women are going to love it .” The Washington Post similarly praised this midnight flight as “ an elegant erotic reverie ,” and savored Reeve ’ s “ upper hand ” of the situation , dubbing him “ a young actor at once handsome and astute enough to rationalize the preposterous fancy of a comic-book superhero in the flesh ” ( Arnold ). The Globe and Mail wrote that Reeve ’ s Superman was “ the man who is more of a man than most men dare to be ... He ’ s a romantic . Margot Kidder ’ s cracklingly contemporary Lois Lane finds that she is , too�she eulogizes her conquest as he takes her for a convincing nighttime spin over Manhattan / Metropolis ... Even Lex Luthor ’ s grounded moll falls for him ” ( Scott “ Superman ”). The New York Daily News , in a review notably