Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 168

An Analysis of the Cultural Dismissal of Wonder Woman
der , sexism , comics , Patty Jenkins , restorative justice , 1970s , Amazons , Marston
Live-action superhero films currently play a significant role at the box office (“ 2017 Worldwide Grosses ”), which means they also play a significant role in culture ’ s understandings about justice . For the most part , however , superhero films are dominated by philosophies based in irrational fears and stereotypes , perpetuating an antiquated concept of justice that contributes detrimentally to societies around the world . Even if the superheroes of these films do not kill offenders , like the Punisher , or break their bones , like Batman , their main focus is on capture�once criminals are off the street , society ’ s problems are solved , until the villains escape again . While the scholarly literature finds that capture is only part of the equation , and that more comprehensive measures are needed to resolve crime , the United States has prioritized politics over protection . America ’ s dismissal of research-based solutions has been building a world focused on drug laws that have given the United States the highest incarcerated population in the world�not because these laws solve drug problems , or because Americans are especially terrible people , but because these laws have allowed politicians to get votes at the

expense of people who are not considered white ( Boucher ).

Wonder Woman enriches the pantheon of superheroes by representing restorative justice , which is part of a more comprehensive approach to crime-fighting , in which mediators work with victims and offenders to try and overcome the roots of crimes and heal communities . This philosophy is merely one among many that could have a place in America ’ s considerations about justice , but it has not developed the same level of cultural awareness as the capture or murder