Popular Culture Review Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1994 | Page 155

Cuiiure Remm, th e « ^ re e ^ ^ « m a l of the Far W e$t Popular C u lh tre laitd A titefioaft C u ltu re Ai»$odatiou&^ $pom ored by the U niversity of N evada, l^ a V eg as, Is pobJished tw ice y early . M einbers o l the FW FCA /fW A C A recd^ve each issue as p art of m em bership. Single eojf^ea m ay be pnjrohased lo r $ 7 3 0 by individuals and $10,00 by instiiuO ons and lib ra ries;' Ret^uests h>r b ack issues should be subm itted u> d « editor. Subm issions to Fopukr CuiHtu Rebiete should be sm t to die editor. Departm ent b f Finnish, tirav eisity o i N evada, Las Vegas, N V 89154, The journ al invites articles on all asp ects of both popular and American culture. Query w ith SASE fo r guidelines. Correspondence abou t m em bersh ip in PW FC A /FW A C A , w hich In clu d es a subscription to Popuht Ctdturs RiPkio, should be sent to Felicia F, C am p M l, D i^ rtm e n t of English, U n iversi^ o f Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154. Popufat Culture Reofcie gratefully acknow ledges dte contributions m ade to this journal by jam m M alek, D ean of the UNLV C ollege of Liberal A rts, due ONLY Departm ent o f English, and Ray B, Browne and F at Brow ne o f th e P opular C ulture and Am erican C ulture A ssodations, w ithout whose help d iis publication would never have becom e a reality, Arddes published do not necessarily represent th e opinions o f and are not the legal responsibility o f Popular Culture Revtm, ISSN 1060-8125