Popular Culture Review Vol. 4, No. 2, June 1993 | Page 5

(PopuCar CuCture ^viezu voCume iv , no. 2 ^fortune (Magazine in tfie 1930s: American business (Ejcpands Its Vision---------------------------------------------- 5 Anthony D. Branch Lear's Vision of (Modem (Maturity: The StmggCe for (Modernity in the Contend of (Postmodemity.......................... IS Dennis Hall n(oys for QirCs: *Ihe Se^sm, 'iVe Qirts Can (Do anything, (Right (Barbie?'-------------------------------------23 Michael Delahoyde and Susan C. Despenich Ouida's (family (Rpmance: In (Maremma------------------------ 37 John Paul Russo (Peddling Lros: fhe Scents of attraction----------------------- Si Hans Rindisbacher fhe (Holographic Potential of Omerican german Studies.........6S Scott Melton (RposeveCt, feather fashions, and (Hunter-(HfituraIists_____ 73 Jon Griffin Donlon