Popular Culture Review Vol. 28, No. 1, February 2017 | Page 24

to 25 years old ). In order to test my hypotheses , I used hierarchical ordinary least squares ( OLS ) regression model in the analysis , in which the independent variables were entered in blocks according to their assumed casual order .
The overall regression model predicting appearance importance accounted for 26.5 % of the variance in the dependent variable . Confirmed by the analyses , compared to those who had an average weight favorite character , those who had an underweight favorite character placed more importance on appearance ( ß = . 17 , p < . 01 ). The overall regression model predicting partner appearance importance accounted for 13.5 % of the variance . According to the data , compared to emerging adults whose favorite character is average weight , those who have an underweight favorite character ( ß = . 16 , p < . 01 ) place significantly more importance on their partner ’ s appearance . The regression model predicting likelihood of cosmetic procedures accounted for 32.5 % of the total variance . The data indicated that compared to emerging adults whose favorite character is of average weight , those who have an underweight favorite character ( ß = . 17 , p < . 01 ), will be more likely to want to get a cosmetic procedure .