Popular Culture Review Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2016 | Page 90

personal problems , and muddled motivations can still lead to positive national outcomes . In fact , by being most clearly who he was , Raven most clearly served the national interest . Hired killers , such as soldiers , could also be human .
Women , just over half the population and far greater in number than urban assassins , were high on the list of priorities for general mobilization . Before Pearl Harbor , First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt wrote the script for Women in Defense and Katharine Hepburn narrated . This 10:35 minute documentary was produced by the Office of Emergency Management and distributed by the War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry , and was released on Christmas Eve in 1941 . The film features dramatic and stirring music and references to frontier and pioneer women , connecting pioneer martial readiness and wartime sacrifices . The film title is superimposed on the Bryant Baker sculpture located in Ponca City , Oklahoma , “ The Pioneer Woman .” Roosevelt ’ s narrative described various jobs available through the Office of Civilian Defense , and encouraged women to train and participate in the science and industry fields , and to build on existing homemaking skills . The film shows women sewing silk parachutes , testing chemicals , giving blood , and manufacturing munitions . Wartime films often made the point that women made good factory workers because of their homemaking skills . Anyone who has seen the documentary The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter ( 1980 ) likely recalls the dissolves from kitchen appliances to industrial machinery . A parallel point , however , was that women ’ s most important job had always been nurturing and protecting home and family . The film closes with a statement written by the First Lady asserting that home and children always came first :