Popular Culture Review Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2016 | Page 88

The key dialogue takes place in the dark , shadowy , claustrophobic shack where Raven and Graham are trapped . Raven showed a soft spot for children and cats earlier in the movie , and he picks up a stray cat through the shack window , naming him “ Tuffy .” Graham tries to draw out Raven ’ s humane side and quiet the killer ’ s quest for revenge . She listens to Raven explain how his signature deformed wrist was broken by an abusive aunt who beat him from age 3 to 14 , when he snapped and killed his abuser . Graham is empathetic , but Raven refuses to “ go soft ” for her . Then comes the climactic exchange of the film :
Raven : ( looking out the window ) They ’ ll move in in the morning . Every flatfoot in town . Graham : You know , I ’ ve been figuring something . That chemical formula .
Raven : Yeah ? Graham : I bet I know what it is . Raven : What ?
Graham : Gas . Poison gas . They ’ re selling it to our enemy .
Raven : So ?
Graham : So tomorrow they ’ ll ship it back in bombs . Japanese breakfast food for America . ( Raven stares blankly away from Graham .) Did you hear what I said ? It ’ s important . This war is everybody ’ s business . Yours too .