Popular Culture Review Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2016 | Page 87

San Francisco to see his girlfriend , blonde nightclub singer Ellen Graham ( Veronica Lake ). Gates acts as intermediary for a traitorous industrialist , the president of Nitro Chemical , Alvin Brewster ( Tully Marshall ), who wants no loose ends that might connect him to his scheme to sell poison gas to Japan . The Raven case is assigned to Crane , and Graham is recruited by a senator to find out by working at Gates ’ s nightclub who is manufacturing deadly gas for the Japanese , not yet an enemy but with war drawing nearer in the Pacific .
Raven eludes Crane at his flophouse and takes the train to Los Angeles to kill his way to the top of his betrayers . He finds the only empty seat , which happens to be next to Graham . In yet another coincidence to advance the shadowy noir plot , Gates is on the same train and happens to see Graham and Raven sitting together . Gates suspects the two are cooperating and wires ahead to the police in LA . Raven and Graham elude the police , then Graham barely escapes from Raven and goes to the Neptune Club for rehearsal . Gates invites her for dinner at his mansion and arranges for his boy , Tommy , to fake her suicide while he returns to the club . Tommy puts off Crane and gets him to leave the mansion , but Raven breaks in and saves Graham . Raven takes Tommy ’ s car and Tommy warns Gates at the club , as he is being questioned by Crane , that Raven and Graham have escaped . Raven takes Graham to the Neptune Club to find Gates , but meets Crane instead . Raven escapes with Graham again , leaving Crane to wonder if his girlfriend has been kidnapped or is a willing accomplice . Raven and Graham end up surrounded by police in a railroad yard , and the police make plans to rush the shack in the morning when the fog lifts .