Popular Culture Review Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2016 | Page 25

--- . Female Icons : Marilyn Monroe to Susan Sontag . New York : iUniverse , 2005 . Print .
--- . A Higher Form of Cannibalism ? Adventures in the Art and Politics of Biography . Chicago : Ivan R . Dee , 2005 . Print .
--- . Lillian Hellman : Her Legend and Her Legacy . New York : St . Martin ’ s Press , 1988 . Print .
--- . Nothing Ever Happens to the Brave : The Story of Martha Gellhorn . New York : St . Martins ’ Press , 1990 . Print .
--- . “ PEN ’ s Iron Curtain ,” May 1997 , http :// www . newcriterion . com / articles . cfm / pen-notes- 3328 . Accessed January 29 , 2015 . Web . --- . “ A Private Life of Michael Foot .” Plymouth , England : Plymouth University Press , forthcoming . --- . Reading Biography . New York : iUniverse , 2004 . Print Rollyson , Carl . and Lisa Paddock . Susan Sontag : The Making of an Icon . New York : W . W . Norton , 2000 . Print .
Schmidt , Jeremy , and Jacquelyn Ardam . “ On Excess : Susan Sontag ’ s Born-Digital Archive .” Los Angeles Review of Books , October 26 , 2014 . http :// lareviewofbooks . org / essay / excess-susansontags-born-digital-archive /. Accessed January 31 , 2014 . Web .