Popular Culture Review Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2016 | Page 211

generic expectations by raising them in the first place . 4 It is clear in either instance that identifying a film ’ s genre relies on identifying particular signs within a film , the relationship between signs , and their membership of one or more codes . These codes and conventions which enable audiences to make sense of the narrative largely defines player interactions within Until Dawn , hence its choicebased gameplay is specialized insofar as it is heavily predicated on subverting expectations built around critical genre analysis .
Supermassive Games ’ Until Dawn opens with an explanation of its central gameplay mechanic – the butterfly effect – which establishes the dynamic nature of the interactive cinematic experience . Much like the chaos theory coined by philosopher Edward Lorenz , whereby a slight change in reality causes a ripple effect significantly altering the chance of a future event , each decision the player makes creates a chain of potential events branching the narrative down a specific path or scene , potentially allowing for a revelation or character development . 5 This effect can allow for completely different gaming experiences between players , sometimes even including different characters , scenery or , in the case of Until Dawn , scares and deaths . These narrative systems based on the consequences of player choice create an intimately personal journey but , more importantly , they situate players as directors of their own screenplays . While the illusive distance between film and audience must be maintained for effect , camera and spectator are linked through the experiential and participatory nature of 4
Honglin Chen , Learning in New Times : Writing Through the ‘ Eyes of Genre ’
( Wollongong : University of Wollongong , 2008 ), p . 199 . 5 Richard Kautz , Chaos : The Science of Predictable Random Motion ( Oxon : Oxford University Press , 2011 ), p . 145 .