Popular Culture Review Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2016 | Page 148

Chiang , Ted . “ Division by Zero .” Stories of Your Life and Others . Easthampton , MA : Small Beer Press , 2002 . 71-89 . Print .
--- . “ Hell is the Absence of God .” Stories of Your Life and Others . Easthampton , MA : Small Beer Press , 2002 . 205-235 . Print .
--- . “ Tower of Babylon .” Stories of Your Life and Others . Easthampton , MA : Small Beer Press , 2002 . 1-28 . Print .
Frisch , Adam J . and Joseph Martos . “ Religious Imagination and Imagined Religion .” The Transcendent Adventure : Studies of Religion in Science Fiction and Fantasy . Ed . Robert Reilly . Westport , CT : Greenwood Press , 1985 . 11-26 .
Gregory , Alan P . R . Science Fiction Theology : Beauty and the Transformation of the Sublime . Waco , TX : Baylor UP , 2015 . ebrary . Web . 8 February 2016 .
Krueziger , Frederick A . The Religion of Science Fiction . Bowling Green , OH : Bowling Green State University Popular Press , 1986 . Print .
Mendlesohn , Farah . “ Religion and Science Fiction .” The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction . Eds . Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 2003 . 264-275 . Print .
Popcak , Greg . “ Faith , Spirituality , Belief , Religion . . . What ’ s the Difference ?” Patheos . 5 May 2014 . Web . 8 February 2016 .