Popular Culture Review Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2014 | Page 5

Popular Culture Review Volume 25, no. 2 Summer 2014 From the Editor’s D e sk .........................................................................................3 State of the Redneck in the Early 21 Century: The Case of Jeff Foxworthy................................................... 4 R /f Jahna From Work to Text: Reading The Raven Waits as Beojvn/f Fan Fiction ......................................................................................................... 22 M aura Grady Confessions of a Thirty-Something English Professor and Gamer: TEDx and the Importance of Video G am es...................... 44 A m y Green The Manichean Dimension of Vince GiUigan’s Breaking B a d ...........................55 Richard Logsdon Herodotus and Bob Woodward: A Comparison................................................68 Helm ut G LoeJffJer “Put a glide in your stride and a dip in your hip/ and come up to the Mothership”: P. Funk’s “Mothership Connection (Starchild)” and the Tropes of Science Fiction....................................................................................................................74 D avid Sandner Scare the Hell Out of Them: Christian Horror in Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker’s House ....................................................................................................................84 Rebecca Branstetter Pink is the New Black: 50s Color Noir, the “Fatal Man,” and the “Femme” Detective in A Kiss Before D y in g ...........................................................................95 Rjobert Miklitsch BOOK REVIEWS Soul o f the D ark Knight: Batman as Mythic Figure in Comics and Film, by Alex M. Wainer. Reviewed by John M ay....................................................................... 108 CONTRIBUTORS..........................................................................................110