Popular Culture Review Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer 2013 | Page 148

Studies in Populär Culture Studies in Populär Culture, the jo u m a l o f the Populär Culture A sso cia tio n in the South and the A m erican Culture A sso cia tio n in the South, publish es articles on populär culture and A m erican culture h o w ev er mediated: through film , literature, radio, televisio n , m u sic, graphics, print, practices, con d ition s o f life. Its contributors ffo m the U n ited States, Canada, France, Israel, and A ustralia include distingu ish ed an thropologists, so c io lo g ists, cultural geographers, eth n o m u sico logists, historians, and scholars in m ass C om m unications, p hilosoph y, literature, and religion. P lease direct editorial queries to the editor: D en n is H all, U n iversity o f L o u isv ille, D epartm ent o f E nglish, L o u isv ille, K Y 4 0 2 9 2 . T elephone: (5 0 2 ) 5 8 8 -6 8 9 6 /0 5 0 9 . Fax: (5 0 2 ) 5 8 8 -5 0 5 5 . Bitnet: D R H A L L 0 1 @ U L K Y V M . Internet: drhallO 1 @ u lk y v m .lo u isv ille.ed u . A ll m anuscripts should be sent to the editor care o f the U n iversity o f L o u isv ille, D epartm ent o f E nglish, L o u isv ille, K Y 4 0 2 9 2 . P lease en clo se tw o d o u b le-sp a ced co p ie s and a self-ad dressed, stam ped en velop e. B lack and w hite illustrations m ay accom pan y the text. Our preference is for essa y s that total, w ith n otes and bibliography, no m ore than tw enty pages. D ocu m en tation m ay take the form appropriate for the d iscip lin e o f the writer; the current M L A style sheet is a u sefu l m odel. P lea se indicate i f the w ork is ava ila b le on Computer disk. T h e editor reserves the right to m ake stylistic ch an ges on accepted m anuscripts.