Popular Culture Review Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer 2013 | Page 145

CONTRIBUTORS 141 Macmillan (August 2012), and “How to Use the Pop-Screen in Literary Studies” published in The Journal o f College Teaching and Learning 7.8 (July 2010). Joseph Serio holds a B.A. in English/Professional W riting from the University o f New Mexico, where he currently pursues graduate study in Rhetoric and W riting and teaches Composition. He has contributed to UNM and local publications, as well as to the KNME-TV current events program, New Mexico in Focus. J . A. W hite is Associate Professor o f English at M organ State University in Baltimore, MD. After eaming an undergraduate degree in English from The Johns Hopkins University, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English from the State University o f New York at Stony Brook, White joined the M organ faculty as a specialist in Medieval Literature and Literature and Psychology. However, in recent years his research has focused on American populär culture and media, especially with regard to representations o f race, gender, and orientation. Recent publications include an essay in Fear and Learning: Essays on the Pedagogy o f Horror, eds. Aalya Ahmad and Sean Moreland (McFarland, 2013).