Popular Culture Review Vol. 23, No. 1, Winter 2012 | Page 9

Arrr!!! Performing Piracy and the Origin of International Talk Like a Pirate Day September 19th is a special holiday set aside every year where people young and old, regardless of race, political orientation, sex, or religious persuasion forget all their differences and come together . . . to talk like pirates. International Talk Like a Pirate Day was created in 1995 by Mark Summers and John Baur, now known as The Pirate Guys, or Cap’n Slappy and OT Chumbucket respectively. To get a feel for Talk Like a Pirate Day, it is useful to examine one of their self-produced videos available on YouTube called “Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Five A’s.” This video ostensibly instructs those new to the pirate lexicon how to talk like a pirate. They introduce five pirate words that begin with the letter “A” and explain what they mean in regular English. The five words selected were glibly chosen for both their pirate sound and their humorous potential. They are: “Ahoy,” “Avast,” “Aye,” “Aye, Aye,” and “Arrr!” While “Ahoy,” “Avast,” and “Aye” are explained in a relatively straightforward, if comic, manner. The Pirate Guys begin to move more toward absurdity with the last two. “Aye, Aye” is a comic doubling of “Aye” that really does not feel any more emphatic than their definition of the regular “Aye,” as one might expect. Essentially, they added it to fill up space and for the comically unnecessary repetition. The last word, “Arrr!” is more difficult to define. O f Chumbucket describes it as “a flexible word. It can mean anything you wants it to mean” (Baur and Summers). They go on to describe how it can mean, “‘My team is winning.’ It can mean, ‘My team is losing.’ It can mean that ‘I’m enjoying this beverage’” (Baur and Summers). Cap’n Slappy chimes in at this point with a completely absurd definition. “I would like a muffin” (Baur and Summers). O f Chumbucket ends with, “It can even mean, ‘I’m here and alive’” (Baur and Summers). This video sets the humorous tone and the fun to be had in playing with words that Talk Like a Pirate Day is all about. In the spirit of the