Popular Culture Review Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2009 | Page 137

Twenty Years of Popular Culture Review Stranded in the Sixties: The Politics of Mailer’s “Armies of the Night” Popular Culture as Religion: Faiths by Which We Naturally Live “Present Wherever Smart Women Assemble...”: Images of the Housewife in American Popular Press and Advertising The Shopping Ritual: Images of QVC Loud-Mouthed and Liberated: The Women of Norman Lear Volume 5, Number 2 * August 1994 The Persistence of Memory: Pictorial Conventions and the Representation of Women in Contemporary Print Media Magic Realism: The Multicultural Literature The ‘Curse of Immortality’: Some of the Philosophical Implications of Bram Stoker’s D ra c u la and Anne Rice’s In te rv ie w W ith th e William H. Thornton Stephen M. Johnson Melissa Walker Rosanne L. Hartman and Gayle Pohl Lynn Bartholome Arnold S. Wolfe and Coleen M. McNally Michael Boccia Stephanie R. Branson V a m p ire A Look at “The Body” Across the Disciplines Shifting Paradigms for Leadership in S ta r T rek and Cynthia Crane Monica Johnstone S ta r Trek: T h e N e x t G e n e ra tio n “Star-Spangled” Idolatry The Utopian Community of N o rth e rn E x p o su re The Decline of the Experience of Education Ideological Animations: Television Programming for (of) Children What Happened to the Jets? Airline Posters of the 1950s and 1960s With Music the Ammunition: Battles of the Bands in Wichita in the 1960s Volume 6, Number 1 V February 1995 Manliness and Militarism: Grooming Young Men to Fight, 1870-1914 “Mad Max, Larry, and the Bard”: Hamlet Then, and Now E p ip sy c h id io n , A c h tu n g B a b y , and the Teaching of Romanticism Villains in Film: Anemic Renderings 133 David Partenheimer Jessica Johnston and Josef Raab John Hultsman Pamela Steinle Larry Weirather Patrick J. O’Connor Mark Moss Bill Reeves Atara Stein Stuart Fischoff