Popular Culture Review Vol. 2, No. 2, July 1991 | Page 23

Macho Man Meets the Million Dollar Man 15 costumes, just as visible in Glitterland are Wall Street and West Berlin. University of Southern California Jill Hall Endnotes 1. Roland Barthes, "The World of Wrestling," Mythologies, trans. Annette Lavers (1972 New York: Farrar, 1987) 18. 2. Barthes, 19. 3. All wrestling quotes are from the telecast of the October, 1989 Saturday Night Main Event in Cincinnati, Ohio whose main match was between The Million Dollar Man and Hulk Hogan. 4. Barthes, 23. 5. Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Berkeley: California UP, 1985) 110. 6. Barthes, 25.