Popular Culture Review Vol. 18, No. 2, Summer 2007 | Page 72

68 Popular Culture Review Joan Mellen, "Sacco and Vanzetti and Joe Hill,'' Film Quarterly 25 (Spring 1972): 4 8 53. Richard Porton, Film and the Anarchist Imagination (New York: Verso, 1999). Howard Thompson, ""Boxcar Bertha," New York Times, 18 August 1972, 19. Bryan K. Gaiman, A Race o f Singers: Whitman's Working-Class Hero from Guthrie to Springsteen (Chapel Hill: The University o f North Carolina Press, 2000), 169-170. Melvyn Dubofsky, “Film as History, History as Drama,” Labor Histoty, 22 (1981): 136-139; Dan Georgakas, ""The Wohblies— The Making o f a Historical Documentary,” Cineaste, 10 (Spring 1980): 14-19; and Stewart Bird, Dan Georgakas, and Deborah Shaffer, Solidarity Forever: An Oral History o f the IWW (Chicago: Lake View Press, 1985), 18. John Sayles, Thinking in Pictures: The Making o f the Movie Matewan (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987); and Tom Zaniello, Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff: An Expanded Guide to Films About Labor (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2003), 245-246. John Sayles, Thinking in Pictures: The Making o f the Movie Matewan (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987); and Tom Zaniello, Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff An Expanded Guide to Films About Labor (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2003), 245-246. Jim Caligiuri, “The Ballad o f Joe Hill,” Austin Chronicle, 22 October 2004, http://www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Issue/print?oid=oid%3 A 2 3 4 194 (1 October 2006). Joe Hill has also inspired the 2004 classical musical composition “Joe Hill: 16 Actions for Orchestra, Voice and Soloist” by Wayne Horvitz. Philip S. Foner, ed.. The Letters o f Joe Hill (New York: International Publishers, 1965), 16-17. Kombluh, Rebel Voices, 145-146. To Fan the Flames o f Discontent: A Reprint o f the Nineteenth Edition (1923) o f the Famous Little Red Song Book (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company, 2003), 36 and 60. Gibbs M. Smith, Joe Hill (Salt Lake City, Utah: Peregrine Smith Books, 1984), 9. Garman, A Race o f Singers, 93. Robbie Lieberman, "My Song Is My Weapon": People’s Songs, American Communism, and the Politics o f Culture, 1930-50 (Urbana: University o f Illinois Press, 1989), 62. Garman, A Race o f Singers, 92-93. “Joe Hillstrom,” in Moses Asch, ed., American Folksong: Woody Guthrie (New York: Oak Publications, 1961), 22. Woody Guthrie, Struggle (New York: Folkways Records, 1976), vinyl. “Jesus Christ Was a Man,” in Woody Guthrie, Alan Lomax, and Pete Seeger, Hard Hitting Songs for Hard Hit People (New York: Oak Publications, 1967), 336-337. “I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night,” reprinted in Smith, Joe Hill, 194-195.