Popular Culture Review Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 2006 | Page 93

Man(kind) VS. Mountain 89 5 Any discussion o f mountains and Romanticism should involve reference to the classic Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory' by Marjorie Nicolson. 6 For discussions o f the seashell controversy, as old as Xenophon, 6th cent. B.C., cf. “Geology Landscapes/* http://www.lairweb.org.nz/Leonardo/landscape.html. Also see http://dinl.cnmh.org/19950ct/msg00508.html. 7 If the reader will grant the truth o f my claim that one o f the most pervasive o f all American popular-culture phenomena is our fascination with westerns ( European Culture in a Changing World), I need to point out that most westerns, verbal or cinematic, are played out among mountains. W orks Cited Azorin. “El paisaje de Espana visto por los espanoles.” Obras Completas: Madrid, 1923. Babson, Kathryn M. “Nation and Narration/Homespun to Sophisticated: Place as Transformer** http://acadeniic.reed.edu/english/Courses/English341 nn/Stud pages/Kathryn.html Burton, Robert. Anatomy o f Melancholy. Part 1. subsection 7. Dictionaty o f the History>o f Ideas. 3 -2 5 4 -5 9 — Art. By Nicolson. Duff, J. Wright. A Literary>Histoiy o f Rome. New York: Scribner’s. 1932. Ellis, Havelock. From Rousseau to Proust. Boston and New York. 1935. “Geology/Landscapes" http://www.lairweb.org.nz.Leonardo/landscape.html. Hadrian. See Yourcenar. Horace. Epistulae. Nos. 10 and 16. Irving, R. L. G., ed. The Mountain Way. London: Dent, 1938. ----------. The Romance o f Mountaineering. London: Dent, 1935. Macfarland. Robert. Mountains o f the Mind. New York: Vintage/Ransom, 2003. Marias, Julian. History» o f Philosophy. Trans. Stanley Appelbaum and Clarence C. Strawbridge. N ew York: Dover, 1967. Montaigne. Oeuvres Completes. Ed. A. Armaingaud. Paris 192-29. Journal de Voy age , posthumously so-called. Trans, mine. Vols. 7-8. Nicolson, Marjorie Hope. Mountain Gloom and Mountain Gloiy. (Cornell UP, 1963); New York: Norton, 1963. Petrarch. Selections from the Catizionere and Other Works. The World’s Classics. Trans. Mark Musa. New York: Oxford UP. 1985. Ruskin, John. Modern Painters. Vol. 4. Part 5. Ch. 20. Singer, Armand. “America’s Fascination with the Western.” In Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe, ed. European Culture in a Changing W orld. . . London: Cambridge Scholars P, 2004. 237-45. ----------. “Montaigne’s Appreciation o f External Nature.” West Virginia Univ. Bulletin, Philological Papers 14 ( 1963):6—17. ----------. “O f Cinema and Violence, Habitation, and the