Popular Culture Review Vol. 15, No. 1 | Page 152

148 B3. Popular Culture Review Officer: You know me. I busted you before. Hey, close your mouth. Relax. (Drug sales) Severe Cl. Officer: Come on out [three times]. Police, come on down. Put your gun down [twice]. Officer: Get out [three times]. Get your hands behind your back [three times]. Don’t fight. Stop fighting. You killed about two people. Give me your arm. Get up. You see this car? She has to go in a helicopter because of you. (Suspect attempting to escape from a store robbery) C2. Officer: Take your seat belt off. Open up the door. Step up. Step to the left. Pull your shirt up from the top. Stop. Walk backwards. Stop Do you have some drugs in the car? What type? (Methamphetamine dealer) C3. Officer: Stop, please. Back up. Back off. (Individual with a threat o f suicide)