Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 2, August 2001 | Page 13

The Works of Seicho Matsumoto 9 And that was the way it ended, with an unanticipated spin, like the finale of a Sijo. The same literary style is found in other stories, such as The Woman Who Buys the Local News (Chiho-shi o Kau Onna, published in English as The Serial) and The Face {Kao). In The Serial, a bar hostess subscribes to a small town newspaper under the pretense of being interested in a serialized story, whereas her real motive is to follow the investigation of a double murder she has committed. The author of the serial sees through her hidden intention. In the end, she tries to kill the author but fails, and commits suicide. In The Face, the story is told in the form of the diary of Ryokichi Ino, a bit player in a small theatre group whose anxiety grew into paranoia as he gained fame when a movie company unexpectedly hired him to act in films. “Why this stroke of luck?” I asked. “The director, Ishii, singled you out,” Y explained... “I’ll give it my best.” I bowed slightly. I wasn’t unhappy. Far from it, I was quite excited. But at the same time a certain feeling of uneasiness crept over me.” ..... All my scenes are filmed.. .the film has attracted a lot of attention... I’ve almost reached a point in my career where others might envy m e.. .1 drank much more than usual tonight, and it wasn’t through happiness. I was trying to drown this gnawing apprehension.. ..T. Company has made another offer, this time for me alone. Lady luck’s smiling at me. It’s my big break! I feel as if I’m walking heading into good fortune — and disaster. My own despair is eating away at the very foun dation of my happiness... My nerves are too taut. There’s no easy way out. I’ve started seriously considering taking some drastic measures. (28-32) Ryokichi, like the businessman in The Accomplice and the hostess in The Serial, has a murder to hide and someone to fear. Just as in the other stories, The Face unfolds slowly and ends swiftly and unexpectedly. Ryokichi is not recognized for his face as he had originally feared. The witness had taken a good look at him in person but did not remember him. It is a scene in his movie that jolts the memory of the witness. The scenery around Oiso flowed by. He took out a cigarette and smoked, still looking out the window. The scenery changed to somewhere near Chigasaki. Ino’s face looking out the window. Smoking a cigarette. The scenery around Totsuka.