Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2001 | Page 111

O n e L o n e l y N i g h t and J e t P il o t 107 Schrecker, Ellen. The Age o f McCarthyism: A B rief Histoty with Documents. Boston: Bedford Books, 1994. ShokolT, James. “The Feminine Ideal in the Masculine Private Eye.” Clues 14.2 (1993): 851-62. .Silcl. Charles L.P. “The First Antiry VVliitc Male: Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer.” The Arnu hoir DetCi tive 29.2 (1996): 195-99. SmoiHlin. l-rie. “Watehine ihe Skies: Hollywood, the 1950s and the Soviet Threat.” of American Culture 11.2 (1988): .T^-4(). Spillane. Mickey. One h m e l y Night. New York: Signet. 1951. SloulTer, Samuel A. Comntunisni, Conforniity, and Civil Liberties: A Cross-Section o f The Nation Speaks Its Mind. New York: Garden City, 1955. Terry, Jennifer. “’Momism’ and the Making of Treasonous Homosexuals. ” "B ad" Mothers: The Politics o f Blame in Twentieth-Centiuy America. Eds. Molly Ladd-Taylor and Lauri Umansky. New York: New York UP, 1998. 169-90. Weibel, Kay. “Mickey Spillane as Fifties Phenomenon.” Dimensions o f Detective Fiction. Eds. Larry N. Landrum, Pat Browne, and Ray B. Browne. Bowling Green: Popular Press, 1976. 114-123. Wylie, Philip. “The Crime of Mickey Spillane.” Good Housekeeping Feb. 1955: 54-55, 207-209. — .Generation o f Vipers. 1942. New York: Rinehart and Company, 1955.