Popular Culture Review Vol. 10, No. 2, August 1999 | Page 123

Bhakti as Popular Movement 117 Thus, a Bhakta is one who is non-envious, a kind friend to all, free of false-ego, equiminded and equipoised under all circumstances, tolerant, self-con trolled, does not get disturbed, harms no one, and does not depend on anyone except the Supreme Person. A Bhakta is pure, satisfied, without cares, does not desire anything, fears none, has no anxieties, no pains, does not strive for any results, neither rejoices nor grieves, and neither laments nor desires. Finally, a Bhakta is silent, satisfied, fixed in knowledge, and always engaged in the devo tional service with full determination. Elsewhere in the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna mentions twenty quali ties for the enlightenment and devotional service of a Bhakta. These qualities are: Humility, pridelessness, nonviolence, tolerance, simplic ity, approaching a bona fide spiritual master, cleanliness, steadi ness, self-contr ol, renunciation of the objects of sense gratifica tion, absence of false ego, the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age, and disease, detachment, freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home, and the rest, even-mindedness amid pleas ant and unpleasant events, constant and unalloyed devotion to Lord Krishna, aspiring to live in a solitary place, detachment from the general mass of people, accepting the importance of self-realiza tion, and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth. Goswami Satsvarupa Dasa also mentions twenty-six qualities of a Bhakta in Vaisnava Behavior. These qualities, as earlier enumerated by Lord Chaitanya to Sanatana Goswami, are: Kripalu (merciful), Akrit-droha (not defiant), Satya-sara (truthful), Sama (equal to everyone), Nidosha (faultless), Vadanya (magnanimous), Mridu (mild), Suchi (clean), Akinchana (without material possessions), Sarvopakaraka (performs welfare work for everyone), Shanta (peaceful), Krishnaka-sharana (surrendered to Krishna), Akama (desireless), Aniha (indifferent to material pos sessions), Sthira (fixed), Vijita-sad-guna (completely controls the six bad tendencies of Kama - lust, Krodha - anger, Lobha - greed, Moha - illusion, Mada - madness, and Matsarya - envy), Mitabhuk (eats only as much as required), Apramatta (without inebria tion), Mananda (respectful), Amani (without false prestige), Gambhira (grave), Karuna (compassionate), Maitra (a friend), Kavi (a poet), Daksha (expert), and Mauni (silent).