Popular Culture Review 29.1 (Spring 2018) | Page 55

of the morally tinged message conveyed by the food consumed by the fat body ( Jutel 116 ). Because we consider food to be the bricks and mortar that build the fat body , the weakness that the person in the fat body demonstrates toward it requires those who possess the ideal body to “ help ” the flawed fat body overcome its gastronomic deviance . The removal of gastronomic and bodily agency is a necessity in the eyes of the concerned populace who are devout subscribers to the dominant , thin body ideology so that they may “ help ” those unfortunate souls trapped within a fat body . It is here , at the junction of fat bodies and agency that a connection between Supernatural and the fat body in society today is found . In the episode “ The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo ,” the leader of the Leviathan , Dick Roman , attempts to remove food agency from the humans , by expanding his holdings from Biggerson ’ s ( an amalgam of IHOP , Waffle House , Huddle House , and other similar establishments ), to owning “ a list of joints 10 pages long .” This insinuates that he is in control of the fast food industry , thereby giving him access to all of America , specifically its fattest citizens , who are , not coincidentally , the favored food source of the Leviathan . Similarly , in the episode “ There Will Be Blood ,” it is revealed that Dick Roman has purchased controlling interest in a company called Sucrocorp , the world ’ s leading producer of high fructose corn syrup , which would allow the Leviathan to put their concoction into most foods eaten by Americans , especially those in fat bodies . In essence , human bodies in Supernatural have their food agency removed because they need “ help ” from the Leviathan in order to become their best ( read : tastiest ) selves . In a similar vein , today ’ s fat bodies have their agency removed because they too need “ help ” becoming their best ( read : thin ) selves .
This loss of agency is based upon a foundation of a mediasupported and -diagnosed fatness epidemic , framed according to a medico-disease state based on the implication of the word epidemic . Epidemic implies an out-of-control disease state that conjures fear-based associations with smallpox , bubonic plague , and influenza from decades and centuries past ; the use of the term today is an example of the media ’ s penchant for misrepresenting the duration and scale of a situation by calling something a crisis that has , in reality , become a fact of life and has been for quite some time ( Berlant 760 ). In essence , the “ War on Fat ” is against an epidemic that is not so epidemic ; it is an epidemic that has become commonplace and accepted by society – except for when it is not . The universal social acceptance of a manufactured evil that exacerbates the deceptive and insidious nature of bodily subordination makes it difficult to detect and therefore to change this unchallenged , and arguably welcomed , removal of agency .