Popular Culture Review 29.1 (Spring 2018) | Page 45

the speech , such as a speaker ’ s gender , age , family , prior acts , and prior reputation . Often creating intrinsic ethos is a matter of placing a favorable spin on elements of extrinsic ethos , such as Trump ’ s transmutation of inexperience into the claim to be an “ outsider ” who would “ drain the swamp .” The other two types of argument within Aristotelian rhetorical theory , those from “ pathos ” or the emotions of the audience and those from “ logos ” or reasoning also come into play . In fact , the three types of rhetorical proof can be mapped onto Max Weber ’ s seminal categorizations of the three types of legitimate rule ( 1958 ) in the sense that the different types of argument are often used in varying proportions to legitimate different types of authority . Weber characterizes the three main types of legitimate rule as :
Traditional Authority : Within this system , authority is grounded in antiquity , with historical tradition conferring legitimacy . This sort of authority is often hereditary , though other methods such as prophetic signs or appointment of a successor by a current leader in front of witnesses can also function to confer legitimacy . Although authority in such systems is personal in the sense of being centered on the person of the leader , in another way it is completely impersonal , as it is rarely dependent on individual characteristics or abilities . A hereditary monarch is legitimate due to having the right parents , not due to intelligence , charm , diligence , or any other particular qualification . The Azeroth of World of Warcraft mirrors many oral-traditional societies in relying heavily on traditional authority ( Poster 2016 ). Rhetorically , this sort of authority is grounded in extrinsic ethos . The Warchief of the Horde , the High Chieftain of the Tauren , the Prince of the Blood Elves , and the other racial leaders within World of Warcraft fall into this category and often reference tradition and antiquity in discussing their positions . The exceptions to this pattern are the goblins , a race of merchants organized into trade cartels , and the Forsaken , who are so new as to be lacking in traditions .
Charismatic Authority : Unlike traditional authority , charismatic authority relies on the personal characteristics of an individual . While many traditional leaders ( such as Queen Elizabeth I ) or legal / rational leaders ( such as Justin Trudeau or John Kennedy ) can display personal charisma , that is not essential to their authority , as many traditional and legalistic / rational leaders such as U . S . President Calvin Coolidge , Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper , and the Roman Emperor Claudius were notably uncharismatic . By contrast , the charismatic leader often has no grounds for authority other than intrinsic ethos often bolstered by emotional ( pathetic ) appeal . Religious prophets such as