Popular Culture Review 29.1 (Spring 2018) | Page 152

By Jarret Keene

Rediscovering the Pleasure Principle : Imaginology Versus Critical Theory in Post-Trump Literary Studies

By Jarret Keene

Abstract : In this review , the author assesses the value of a new dismantling of poststructural theory and its ascendancy over what are supposed to be the objects of study , literary texts . Subjects discussed include the timing of the book ’ s release , arriving as it does at a moment when university campuses are increasingly under threat from political clashes , microaggressions , safe spaces , censorship , and sexual assault . The author compares the book with an earlier effort to undermine the distinction between high and low culture . Ultimately , Beyond Literary Studies is necessary reading for anyone entering the field of literary studies or starting out as an English graduate student or junior faculty member in a humanities department .
Keywords : Poststructuralism , literary theory , Leslie Fiedler , Imaginology , Jacque Derrida , literary studies
Resumen : En esta reseña , el autor evalúa el valor de desmantelar la teoría post cultural y su supremacía sobre los supuestos sujetos de estudio : los textos literarios . Los temas incluyen el tiempo de la publicación del libro , ya que llega en un momento en el que los campus de universidad están cada vez más bajo amenaza de choques políticos , micro agresiones , espacios seguros , censura y agresión sexual . El autor compara el libro con un esfuerzo previo de socavar la distinción entre la alta y la baja cultura .