Popular Culture Review 29.1 (Spring 2018) | Page 151

Beowulf . Trans . Seamus Heaney . New York : Farrar , 2000 . Print .
Campbell , Joseph . Goddesses : Mysteries of the Feminine Divine . Novato : New World Library , 2013 . Print .
--- . The Hero with a Thousand Faces . 2nd ed . Princeton : Princeton UP , 1968 . Print .
Eliade , Mircea . The Forge and the Crucible : The Origins and Structure of Alchemy . Trans . Stephen Corrin . 2nd ed . Chicago : U of Chicago P , 1978 . Print .
Gaiman , Neil . Norse Mythology . New York : Norton , 2017 . Print .
Gimbutas , Marija . The Living Goddesses . Berkeley : U of California P , 1999 . Print .
Graça da Silva , Sara , and Jamshid J . Tehrani . “ Comparative Phylogenetic Analyses Uncover the Ancient Roots of Indo- European Folktales .” Royal Society Open Science . The Royal Society , January 2016 . PDF file .
Graves , Robert . The Greek Myths . Complete ed . London : Penguin , 1992 . Print .
--- . The White Goddess : A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth . New York : Farrar , 1966 . Print .
Ovide , Shira . “ Souring on Technology : I ’ ve Fallen out of Love with My Devices .” Las Vegas Review-Journal 3 Dec . 2017 , E1 +. Print .
Propp , Vladímir . Morphology of the Folk Tale . Trans . Laurence Scott . 2nd ed . Austin : U of Texas P , 1968 . Print and e-book .
Shaw , Anna Moore . Pima Indian Legends . Tucson : U of Arizona P , 1968 . Print .
Thompson , Robert Farris . Flash of the Spirit : African and Afro- American Art and Philosophy . 1983 . New York : Random House Digital , 2010 . E-book .
von Franz , Marie-Louise . Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales . Rev . ed . Boston : Shambhala , 1995 . Print .
West , M . L . Indo-European Poetry and Myth . Oxford : Oxford UP , 2007 . Print .