FY 2018 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2018 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 12

Popular Annual Enhance Regional Mobility I mproving the efficiency and effectiveness of Arlington’s transportation connections within and beyond our borders is critical because of our central location within the region and a total workforce of 3.3 million people who live within a 30-minute commute from Arlington. The City has developed a reputation around the country as one of the most innovative cities exploring technology-based mobility solutions. As a mobility leader in North Texas, it’s a key priority to address pressing transportation needs, common mobility challenges and to open the door to public-private partnerships. Abram Street Rebuild Begins in Downtown The transformation of Abram Street through Downtown Arlington kicked off in March 2018. The $26-million project will bring much-needed roadway and utilities improvements to Abram between Cooper and Collins streets. It will also add on-street parking, enhanced landscaping, public art and pedestrian amenities that aim to create a more vibrant, welcoming atmosphere for Downtown shoppers, diners and visitors. Downtown is the final section of the voter-approved Abram Street Rebuild, which started at the Grand Prairie city limits east of SH 360 in July 2014 and has progressed west to Collins Street. Arlington Launches Via Rideshare Service PAGE 12 The City of Arlington, in partnership with Via, became one of the first cities in the nation to offer on-demand ridesharing as a public transportation solution in December 2017. The Via rideshare program provides affordable transportation to key areas of the city, allowing riders to access entertainment, shopping and dining options, work or school, and even medical appointments. Customers can book a seat in a six- passenger Mercedes-Benz van through the Via app, and the company’s sophisticated technology will match them with others going their way. Rides are just $3 per trip or $15 a week with the ViaPass.