Poppycock October/Novemeber 2014 | Page 29

re 1/2 cocked thinking the public Another in a line of “not completely terrible” ideas for stuff in the world. w e s l e y • b a u m a n Imagine a world where you decide whether there is a sixth continuing resolution on sweeping immigration reform? Want to call Congress back from their break to debate an issue? Do we want to eliminate lobbyists? Do you want to take the future of this country from the few hundreds and give it to the millions who must live in that future as much, if not more than, those we elected? Do you want democracy or political plagiarism of a Greek and Roman system entrenched in the idea that the people are literally too ignorant and too far away to be allowed to be a part of the system? The republic was an invention of necessity. It was designed in the vacuum of the times. While the idea of the peoples’ voice being heard was a novel and groundbreaking one, the decision to elect and send one to represent the many was one of logistics. People were far away from the seat of democracy. They were literally disconnected. Fast forward to today’s world of almost pornographic connectivity. This is not a world that need elect the most literate and traveled among us to speak for us in the far away capital. This is a world that can speak for itself if that is something we really want. Let’s face it, we’re smarter than the framers of the constitution. You, me, most publicly educated 6th graders are smarter than the average forefather. An educated people should be harder to control. Our elected officials need not vote for us, but need to cast our vote for us. The idea of WeVote is to hold our representatives accountable. They cast the vote that we decide from issue to issue after we elect them. I want my elected officials explaining everything to me, giving me their informed pros and cons list for a bill, a law, a vote, and then doing as the majority of voters would like by letting us decide in a public poll. If enough oppose the representative’s vote, they vote our way. What would be the harm in letting us go to Washington more? I think we can have a government without scapegoats. A place where we can’t blame the fat cats, the disconnected politician, the elitist, the liberals and the conservatives. It’s the system’s fault, not ours. We voted, we did 29