Poaching Quarterly Lyndsey Miles Issue | Page 15

Needed Measures

A tale of How She helped

People of all ages can help save animals. You can be ten or ninety and still help the same. Everyone makes a difference, but one girl made all the difference for one animal.

Lana Walker was just finishing up at school when her phone rang. Her teacher and classmates glared as she picked her phone up.

"Hello? Lana speaking."

"Hello Lana this is Jamie Jackson with the Borneo tourist center. We were just wondering if you can recall and still want to do your annual donation pledge. If so, we'll charge you now."

"Yeah. I do. Thanks." Lana said. Then she stood shocked as she was told why they needed the money. The Borneo Pygmy Elephant, AKA her favorite animal was in huge trouble. They needed the money to fund conservation efforts.

Lana talked to her parents that night, and she was on the first plane to Borneo that weekend.

While on the plane, Lana fundraised. She managed to get four hunderd fifty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. She added that to her donation totals, and was happy to deliver the money to the Borneo center.

The donations to the Borneo Tourist Center not only kept it in business, but helped fund breeding programs for Borneo Pygmy Elephants.