PM@CH Journal 2017 December 2017 | Page 20

The Swiss Project Management Journal The People Project We had a chat with the Director of Human Resources at ATOS Consulting SA – Madam Natacha Pagnoni to understand further details on the initiatives from the Swiss division. Natacha mentions “Since a few years, Atos Consulting SA has established an environmental policy: The company is committed to minimising wherever possible the impact of its activities on the environment and has its own “waste ecopoints” within its offices. While there is no specific budget for 2017 in Switzerland, the organization globally has dedicated certain resources and fun- ding to social responsibilities. Additio- nally and locally, the company supports such initiatives by the employees to move forward with various actions that could help improve sustainability or social responsibility. For instance, the company provides support to the initiatives by the CSR team to collect used toys from its em- ployees to be provided to the needy. The local CSR team also collected funding for the Autistic foundation which was well appreciated by the colleagues and the Autistic foundation. Half of the employees at Atos are working as project managers with various clients and ATOS believes that the role of the project managers is not only to cultivate the principles of sustainability but also to serve as light-houses - guiding everyone along the process to be aware and adhere to the sustainability initiatives. “ATOS as a global organization is commit- ted to environment sustainability and as part of the local management of the company, we provide complete support to the global initiatives and also promote the concept locally,” concludes Natacha. Project Management Institute SWITZERLAND Chapter Conclusion Based on our analysis and study, we realise that the organizations have very strong awareness about the importance of sustainability and have a clear idea about which direction they want to go in, but the speed in which each organization moves towards that goal seems to vary depending on their business model and their own DNA. 20 Sustainable  organizations  seek to imple- ment  sustainability  strategies which deli- ver economic and cultural benefits. Re- cently the natural environment has be- come a key strategic issue in both the  business  and  academic communities. Through implementing sustainability stra- tegies, firms can integrate long-run profi- tability with their efforts to protect the  ecosystem, providing them with 2017 Edition