PMAG -15 Contemplation Achievement May 2015 Contemplation June 2015 Achievement | Page 16

YEM: YOGA AS ENERGY MEDICINE YEM: YOGA AS ENERGY MEDICINE TURN YOUR PERSPECTIVE Upside Down This simple and safe exercise will deepen your awareness of this amazing wave-like energy that exists throughout your body/being, in particular, as it travels up and down your legs. EXERCISE 1. Find a quiet and relaxed environment where you can lie on the floor on a towel or yoga mat. 2. After doing Savasana, The Breathing Wave and Discovering The Wave, bring your breath awareness from the crown of your head through your body and down into your toes. Feel your whole body breathing. Image credit: Walter Lai W e spend most of our lives on our feet. Even when we are sitting at a desk, our feet usually touch the floor, brushing up against a surface. The value in inversions in yoga offers practitioners the opportunity to literally turn their perspective upside down. They can see life from a different point of view. Other the the biological advantages such as increased blood flow and circulation, inversions offer us a way to consider the ways in which we may be making assumptions so that we may open to this moment with greater freshness. In last month’s issue, we looked more deeply at the presence of a wave-like energy that exists in the spine and flows through all of life. The awareness of this energy is at the core of my work in YEM: Yoga as Energy Medicine. By understanding it, your yoga poses, and ultimately your life, will effortlessly flower from deep within. If you have not already, before you proceed with the following exercise, please prepare by going back to do Savasana and then The Breathing Wave and Discovering The Wave to cultivate awareness of life-force energy through your body/being. This will greatly assist in you reaping the full benefits of the safe and gentle exercise we are about to do together. 3. While lying on your back, interlock your fingers and turn your palms up towards the sky. Press your heels up towards the sky, feet flat, legs straight. 4. As you inhale, point your toes. Sense the energy move down your spine. 5. As you exhale, press out your heels. Sense the energy move along your arms towards your palms, and along your legs, out your feet. Imagine the feet are like water spouts, as the energy expands there. 6. Allow your spine to rest neutral along the floor, as your hips release towards the ground. Pressing your heels up towards the sky, you still aim to sense the release through your hips towards the ground. There is always two way moving energy throughout your body/being. letting go of your grip a bit. Exhale, knees rest into the belly as it goes back, hugging your knees into the chest. Feel your spine long. Easy through the jaw and chin, long and open through the pelvis. 9. Eventually, bring your breathing back to what feels more normal for you and release your legs. Take a few more long breaths and roll over onto your right side, before you press yourself up into sitting. 7. Repeat. Toes point, inhale. Heels press, exhale for as long as you like. Feel your whole body breathing. 8. When you have had enough, bend your knees into your chest and hug them. Inhale, feel your belly rise, knees rise slightly, Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga teaching style called YEMTM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her music brings forward a conscious energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual seekers. For more information on Parvati, please visit