Plus Size Diva Issue 1 / Nov. 2013 - Jan. 2014 | Page 28


Happy New Years everyone! We've made it yet again. With that being said, what's on the agenda? And I don't mean a new years resolution that you promise to keep and forget about by next month. "I promise never to say a curse word for as long as I shall live." Nope, I'm talking about YOUR BIG BANG! If you don't have one yet its totally fine. But wouldn't you just love a plan you can dedicate to? Lets want progress!

Lets start by asking if you are 100% content with life? Have you accomplished everything you truly desire? Or would you like to make some minor or major adjustments that will contribute toward changing unsatisfying thoughts you have been tormenting yourself with year after year.

Start simple, its more realistic.If you look in the mirror and you are not happy with what you see, work on it. You don't like your hair color, dye it. You've been fascinated with shorter hair, cut it. Fear not, it will grow back. You feel as if your wardrobe has become some what of a set of funeral clothing, then buy one adorable shirt at a time. Its cheaper this way. On less in fact you can afford a shopping spree, then that's great too. If you are in a crappy relationship and you feel your heart suffers more often then it should, take time to weigh out pros and cons. You owe it to yourself. Have you thought about starting a small business? This has to be the year you consider starting and pursuing BIG.